Artificial Intelligence
Faster & Smarter
Android 9.0 Pie harnesses the best of AI to save you time, effort & energy. Intelligent algorithms improve power management, prioritise activity and makes suggestions based on your behaviour.
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This Harness connects to your existing loom which runs from the dash of your car to the Radio/Unit. When you're disconnecting your original unit you can keep the original loom and attach this harness, which will then allow you to connect Kenwood DPX-; DPX MP-; KDC-; KDC B-/F-/M-/MP-/MV-/PS-/PSW-/V-/W-/WF-/WV-; KMD-; KMD PS-; KRC-; KRC V-; PS R-; Z-series (select models) 16-pin(22x10mm)
This Harness connects to your existing loom which runs from the dash of your car to the Radio/Unit. When you're disconnecting your original unit you can keep the original loom and attach this harness, which will then allow you to connect Kenwood DPX-; DPX MP-; KDC-; KDC B-/F-/M-/MP-/MV-/PS-/PSW-/V-/W-/WF-/WV-; KMD-; KMD PS-; KRC-; KRC V-; PS R-; Z-series (select models) 16-pin(22x10mm)
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